
Offering your time 

Altar Servers 

Church cleaners 

Eucharistic Minister 

Minister of the Word

Flower arranging

Making a Donation

Our parish depends on the financial support. Here are some ways you can offer monetary support:

Standing Order
Making a fixed donation on a regular basis through your Bank helps the parish regular income and means you don’t need to bring cash or cards to church. If you would like to help in this way, the bank details are as follows:

Account name: Diocese of Middlesbrough
Sort code: 20-56-90
Account no: 40007668

Offertory Envelopes
If you prefer to make your offerings by cash, it is helpful to use the planned giving envelopes. This gives you privacy in making your offerings, and you can set aside a particular sum of money each week to place in your envelopes. In this way you can support the parish by ensuring a regular source of income.

Online Giving
You can now donate online by scanning the QR code below with your mobile phone or tablet and following the prompts on screen. Alternatively, you can use this web address

Donation by Card
We now have a contactless card reader at the back of the Church. Simply enter the purpose of your giving, the amount you wish to give and then tap your card on the reader when prompted. If you prefer, you can enter your card at the top of the reader and enter your PIN.

Leaving a Legacy
By leaving a gift in your will, you can make an important long-term contribution to the parish. It will be free of inheritance tax. Tell your solicitor that you would like to leave a legacy to us.

Gift Aid
If you are a tax payer completing a  Gift Aid declaration enables the parish (Registered Charity 233748) to claim back tax. For every £l that you give to the parish, we receive an additional 25p in reclaimed tax. Gift Aid can be applied to donations received fin all the ways above with the exception of a legacy.