
Newsletter 13th October 2024

Newsletter 6th October 2024

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How can I support my parish?

Our parish depends on the financial support you give to be able to continue its mission.

Below are suggested ways how you can contribute to your parish. Thank you for your continued support.

Standing Order
This means that your bank pays the parish a fixed amount each week or month, enabling a secure and direct transfer. By this means, you help the parish to receive a regular income without the need to bring cash/cards to church. The bank details are as follows:

Account name: Diocese of Middlesbrough
Sort code: 20-56-90
Account no: 40007668

Offertory Envelopes
If you prefer to make your offerings by cash, it is helpful to use the planned giving envelopes. This gives you privacy in making your offerings, and you can set aside a particular sum of money each week to place in your envelopes. In this way you support the parish by ensuring a regular source of income.

Cheques should be made payable to “English Martyrs”.


You can now donate online by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone or tablet and following the prompts on screen. Alternatively, you can type in the web address

Donation by Card
We now have a contactless card reader for use in the parish. Simply enter the purpose of your giving, the amount you wish to give and then tap your card on the reader when prompted. If you prefer, you can enter your card at the top of the reader and donate by chip & pin.

Building Fund
Bank details for Building Fund donations:

Account name: Diocese of Middlesbrough
Sort code: 20-56-90
Account no: 63394662

Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a legacy is fast becoming a very popular way of helping others when you’ve gone. By leaving a gift in your will, you’ll help to make an important long-term contribution to our parish. It will be free of inheritance tax; so all you need to do is tell your solicitor that you would like to leave a legacy to us.

Gift Aid
For those who are tax payers, making a Gift Aid declaration enables the parish (as part of a recognised charity, number 233748) to claim back tax that has been paid. This means that for every £l that you give to the parish, we receive an additional 25p in reclaimed tax.
Gift Aid can be applied to donations received from all of the options listed with the exception of a legacy.

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Caritas Newsletter Summer 2022

Caritas Newsletter Summer 22

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CAFOD Ukraine Crisis Appeal

CAFOD have opened an online appeal: Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal: How you can help

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CAFOD responding to multiple emergencies across the world

CAFOD is responding to significant crises across the world this week. We are working with local Church organisations in Haiti to deliver emergency aid to people affected by the catastrophic earthquake and tropical storm. In the tragic situation in Afghanistan, we are working to ensure the safety of our local partners and their communities. We are supporting local aid workers to deliver urgent food and water supplies to hundreds of thousands of people facing extreme hunger in Tigray in Ethiopia, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria. You can read more about how we can all express solidarity with our sisters and brothers affected by these emergencies on the CAFOD website: Your compassion, generosity and prayers have helped us to stand together and enable us to continue to support communities in these difficult times. Thank you.

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Bishops’ Conference Guidance for 19th July 2021 onwards

In order to help people feel safe and secure
in our churches, [Bishop Terence] strongly
recommend[s] that we maintain the wearing
of masks, social distancing, the service of
stewards, and the standard of sanitising the
Churches we have so far employed. As and
when it is felt at the local level that
restrictions can be eased, this should be
done gradually throughout the summer and into
the autumn taking into account the state of the
spread of the virus and its effects on the local
community, society in general and the NHS.

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Mass Times

Please check the latest newsletter for changes to these times. The times of weekday services are subject to frequent change.

Holy Days
9.30am, 6pm

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